A podcast for possibilities in the spirit of inquiry! This lighthearted show features honest conversations about people’s lives and the amazing things they are doing. Host Anthony Swindell will lead your hearts and minds like a ferryman rowing down the cosmic river of wondrous possibilities, as he interviews a new guest each episode. From the mundane to the mystical, how does curiousness show up in your life?
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
#8 - Bonnie Dias: Dog Philosophy and the Beast of Behavior
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Bonnie Dias is a Certified Dog Trainer, Behaviorist, and Behavior Consultant with the Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) and the author of The DTLA Dog: Canine Handbook for Downtown L.A. Bonnie is also the founder of City Strut, where she offers exercise and play, training, boarding, and behavior assessment for dogs in Los Angeles and NYC, as well as consultations worldwide via Skype for their human companions. In this episode, we get to know Bonnie and her book, and in discussing the behavior of both dogs and humans, we find that presence and consistency are not only attitudes for dog training, but tools for all of us to live well-adapted, happy lives.
With over 15 years of experience working with dogs in every capacity, her many years of service, training, knowledge, and wisdom led Bonnie to write The DTLA Dog. This fun-to-read book serves as a guide to community living and canine companionship with its many tools, strategies, and resources, but it is also imbued with the wisdom and philosophy of the sages, with quotes, anecdotes, and interesting viewpoints provided throughout. Bonnie's guidance offers us the opportunity to reflect on and consider our own instincts and behavior, and in doing so, also look at our connection to the natural world in which we co-exist with our furry friends. Weaving social justice and spiritual and self-development between the many practical and insightful dog training tips, The DTLA Dog: Canine Handbook for Downtown L.A. is a potentially transformative text that reflects the tremendous love and dedication that Bonnie puts into her life and work.
This conversation was originally recorded on December 27th, 2019 in Monrovia, California.
Find Bonnie, City Strut, and The DTLA Dog at http://bonniedias.com/
Purchase The DTLA Dog: Canine Handbook for Downtown L.A. https://www.amazon.com/DTLA-Dog-Handbook-Downtown-L/dp/0692924868/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1522972183&sr=8-1&keywords=the+dtla+dog
Follow Bonnie and join the community on Instagram
@thedtladog - https://www.instagram.com/thedtladog/
@citystrut - https://www.instagram.com/citystrut/
Karen Pryor's Don't Shoot The Dog: The Art of Teaching and Training https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dont-shoot-the-dog-karen-pryor/1132504954?ean=9781982106461#/
The DTLA Dog: Canine Handbook for Downtown L.A. is endorsed by
DTLA Vets http://dtlavets.com/
Pussy and Pooch https://www.pussyandpooch.com/downtown-la
Art and State http://www.artandstate.tv/
LA Music Booking http://www.lamusicbooking.com/
The music for this episode was provided by Thrillhouz. Check him out on Instagram @thrillhouz (https://www.instagram.com/thrillhouz/) and watch the full video of the featured track on YouTube at https://youtu.be/0P0fWmTeKlQ.
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Sunday Dec 15, 2019
#7 - John Freese: The Dependent Origination of Whiteness
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
John Freese is a co-host of the Down With the Dharma podcast, and recently published an academic article titled, The Dependent Origination of Whiteness. In this episode, we take the serious topics of social justice, race relations, Buddhist philosophy, and mental health, and deliver them in a fun, upbeat, and enjoyably informative conversation that’s easy to follow along. The article itself "argues that whiteness is a deeply rooted existential experience in the bodies and minds of European Americans that serves as a firewall against perpetrator guilt and trauma; it also explains why the threat white people perceive in demographic shifts triggers an existential fear of annihilation." In the paper, connections to clinical trauma therapy are included to ground the discussion in a secular, empirical, and trauma-informed context.
At University of the West in Rosemead, CA, John teaches courses on contemplative practice, Buddhist social ethics, service learning, and religion. John draws on many years of practice, travel, and study, including practicing in South India with a Hindu teacher and also training as a Buddhist monk for 12 years, including 6 with Thich Nhat Hanh. He is also currently a lay member of Thich Nhat Hanh's Order of Interbeing. John holds a Master's of Divinity and is currently working on his Ph.D. at Claremont School of Theology, where his research and clinical training are focused on developing a Buddhist model of pastoral care and counseling. John has taught Buddhism and meditation in prisons in the past, is a co-founder of the Engaged Buddhist alliance that continues those efforts today, and he currently works with formerly incarcerated and other practitioners.
This conversation was originally recorded on Saturday, September 21st, 2019 in the great outdoors of Claremont, California.
Down With the Dharma podcast: https://downwiththedharma.podomatic.com/
Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/tt/podcast/down-with-the-dharma/id1460834956
Academia.edu - https://www.academia.edu/37959295/The_Dependent_Origination_of_Whiteness
More from and about John Freese can be found on his blog at https://johnfreese.wordpress.com/
John Freese is on Twitter @johnfreese72 - https://twitter.com/johnfreese72
Kalfou: A Journal of Comparative and Relational Ethnic Studies - https://tupjournals.temple.edu/index.php/kalfou/
Buddhist Peace Fellowship (Buddhism and Social Justice) - http://www.buddhistpeacefellowship.org/
Lama Rod Owens - https://www.lamarod.com/
Rev. Angel Kyodo Williams - https://angelkyodowilliams.com/
Ann Gleig on Twitter - https://twitter.com/agleig
Engaged Buddhist Alliance - http://engagedbuddhistalliance.org/
The featured song Jub Attack was composed by Michael Radford. Hear more at https://soundcloud.com/mubba!
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Thanks for listening!
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
#6 - Kevin Ackad: Angels, Energy Healing, and Intuition
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Kevin Ackad is a Certified Massage Therapist and founder of Inner Shift Healing (https://www.InnerShiftHealing.com/), a place where he incorporates his talents and training as a Reiki Master, Angel Communicator, and Breathwork Meditation facilitator in helping his clients shift and heal their energies. Kevin is enthusiastic about empowering the people he comes in contact with to develop their own strengths and abilities, and also believes each person has the potential to further awaken, and tap more deeply into their own natural intuitive talents. On his YouTube channel, he offers practical advice and shares real, inspiring, true stories of supernatural events from his life that will help people increase their faith and connection to the Divine.
This conversation was originally recorded on Saturday, September 14th in Woodland Hills, California.
Inner Shift Healing: https://www.InnerShiftHealing.com/
Watch these videos to level-up! Check out the website for a full list of offerings and more information. If you're in or plan to visit Southern California, book a session with Kevin, today!
The featured musical tracks Jub Attack and Here In This Darkness were composed by Michael Radford. Hear more at https://soundcloud.com/mubba!
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/TonyJSwindell
Thanks for listening!
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Jessica Gonzalez is the host of The Mommy Jane Neighborhood, a place where she provides education, advocacy, and inspiration about cannabis to her many followers. In doing so, she is destigmatizing the use of cannabis for other mothers and parents like herself, as well as the millions of people who use the plant for its various benefits and applications. By sharing her cannabis-infused journey of weight loss, laying off the alcohol, and improving her mental health, Jessica's path of self-discovery and betterment has motivated so many people to choose wellness and pursue their dreams. As a cannabis lifestyle writer and social media influencer who has been featured in High Times and nominated for two California Cannabis Awards, Jessica uses her voice within the growing cannabis culture to promote positivity, acceptance, gratitude, and wellness as she encourages her community to follow their hearts, speak their truths, and be their authentic selves. Whether presenting while decked out in proper vintage pin-up fashion or bringing it down to Earth and lounging in ultra-casual attire, Jessica's offerings feature informative insights and reviews about cannabis-related products, events, personalities, and industry trends, as well as candid videos, spotlights on success stories, and plenty of other helpful and enjoyable content.
This conversation was originally recorded on Sunday, September 8th, 2019 in Monrovia, California.
The Mommy Jane Neighborhood is on Instagram @themommyjane: https://www.instagram.com/themommyjane
Twitter: https://twitter.com/themommyjane
For Management: [email protected]
Amazon Shop: https://www.amazon.com/shop/themommyjane
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRtGLrcwd7mjBM_Y2GOCWWA
Kendra After Dark (podcast): https://pod.co/kendra-after-dark/the-mommy-jane
MG Magazine: https://mgretailer.com/business/marketing-promo/mama-says-advice-from-cannabis-influencer-the-mommy-jane/
Voyage LA: http://voyagela.com/interview/meet-jessica-gonzalez-mommy-jane-irvine/
Vegas Cannabis Magazine: https://www.vegascannabismag.com/patient-stories/daily-dose-a-day-in-the-life-of-the-mommy-jane/
Candid Chronicle: https://candidchronicle.com/breaking-the-sticky-stigma-mothers-who-use-marijuana/
b.Blunt Daily: https://bbluntdaily.com/2019/01/29/b-blunt-talks-themommyjane/
The featured musical tracks Jub Attack and Here In This Darkness were composed by Michael Radford. Hear more at https://soundcloud.com/mubba!
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@aflairforthecurious
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aflairforthecurious/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TonyJSwindell
Thanks for listening!
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
#4 - Tom Moritz: Environmentalism, Buddhism, Recovery, and Knowledge Management
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Tom Moritz is a scholar, environmentalist, knowledge manager, and adjunct professor at University of the West (Rosemead, California), where he teaches in the Liberal Arts, Psychology, and Buddhist Chaplaincy departments. Some of his courses include Environmental Leadership and Buddhist Psychology and Addiction, both of which are discussed in this episode! Tom also talks about growing up with progressive parents who took him to China at a young age, having an anti-war attitude during the 1960's and 70's, and a bit about his wide-ranging background in academia, activism, and the workplace. Tom's deep love of the Earth and its many creatures radiates through as he shares his years of experience, accumulated knowledge, and compassionate wisdom with his students, colleagues, and in this interview.
Tom currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Death Valley Natural History Association and has worked as a librarian and worldwide as an adviser on knowledge management, leading in the formation of the Biodiversity Heritage Library and the UNEP-based Conservation Commons (which work included the release of the first World Database on Protected Areas). He also serves on numerous advisory bodies and is the author of many publications and presentations. At the Getty Research Institute, he served as Chief of Knowledge Management (and Associate Director for Administration) and led successful efforts to develop a comprehensive digital strategy. At the American Museum of Natural History (NYC), he was Director of Library Services and oversaw scientific publishing. He has worked in the public sector and the non-profit private sector and successfully won grants from the Mellon and Sloan Foundations and the US National Science Foundation, as well as from private donors. In Fall, 2005, he served as Visiting Associate Professor at the Pratt Institute Graduate School of Library and Information Science. He has also served as an adviser to the US Office of Personnel Management on "big data."
This conversation was originally recorded on September 5th, 2019, in Rosemead, California.
Books, Papers, and Presentations: https://independent.academia.edu/TomMoritz
Tom’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/tom.moritz
Death Valley Natural History Association: https://dvnha.org/
University of the West: http://www.uwest.edu/
Buddhist Global Relief: https://www.buddhistglobalrelief.org/index.php/en/
Homeboy Industries: https://homeboyindustries.org/
Biodiversity Heritage Library: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/
American Museum of Natural History (NYC): https://www.amnh.org/
AMNH Research Library: https://www.amnh.org/research/research-library
World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA): https://www.protectedplanet.net/
Conservation Commons: http://www.conservationcommons.org/
American Museum of Natural History Congo Expedition: http://diglib1.amnh.org/
The featured musical tracks, Here In This Darkness and Jub Attack were composed by Michael Radford. Hear more at https://soundcloud.com/mubba!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged at [email protected]
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Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
#3 - Mike Baez: Indie Filmmaking, Troma Studios, and Committing to the Craft
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Mike Baez is a writer, filmmaker, cinematographer, and trained actor with a hilarious sensibility that shines through in all of his work (and this conversation!). Humanist, and thinker with a heart of gold, Mike recently moved to Los Angeles after living in New York and working with Lloyd Kaufman and Troma Entertainment on Return to Nuke 'Em High Volume 1 (2013) and Return to Return to Nuke 'Em High Aka Vol. 2 (2017). Inspired by his experience with Troma, Mike produced his first feature-length independent film, Stiffed (2016), a coming-of-age comedy about an anti-hero waiter who robs people that don't tip. These days you can find Mike moving around and about LA, working on getting his scripts published and collaborating with other actors, investors, and filmmakers. He also appeared in Judah Friedlander's, How To Beat Up Anybody: An Instructional and Inspirational Karate Book by the World Champion (2010).
Reach out to Mike at [email protected]
On Instagram @mikeb_theactor
Mike Baez as Donatello in Troma Entertainment's Return to Nuke 'Em High Volume 1 (2013) and Return to Return to Nuke 'Em High Aka Vol. 2 (2017). These are sequels to the cult classics of Class of Nuke Em High 1, 2, and 3 (1986-94).
Stiffed (2016) on IMDB
See Mike in Judah Friedlander's book, How To Beat Up Anybody.
Los Angeles Times article about co-living at Eddy in Hollywood.
Troma Entertainment, Inc: https://www.troma.com/
An episode about Troma on the podcast, Wizard and the Bruiser.
Tracks Here In This Darkness and Jub Attack were provided by Michael Radford. Hear more at https://soundcloud.com/mubba.
Originally recorded on August 23rd, 2019.
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged at [email protected]
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Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
#2 - Monica Muñiz: Yoga, Puerto Rico, and Transformation
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Monica Muñiz is a Los Angeles-based yoga teacher who has been practicing for over twenty years, and she currently teaches at the Yoga Cove in Monrovia and at Hot Yoga Claremont. In this conversation, Monica shares her story of learning to love and accept herself through yoga, what it was like growing up in Puerto Rico, and the shift in power dynamics happening in both yoga communities and back on the island. Whether you are a new or experienced yoga practitioner, enjoy positive & progressive politics, or find value in hearing transformational narratives, this lively episode is sure to bring some joy and wisdom into your day. Monica also talks about how she enjoys making and sharing jewelry as an outlet for creative expression, and that she is co-hosting an upcoming retreat in Granada, Spain in June of 2020.
Follow Monica on Instagram @monicamunizyoga
Look into Monica's Come Home To Yourself In Granada Spain retreat @ starandmonica.com
Check out her jewelry on IG @monicamunizjewelry
Drop-in at the Yoga Cove in Monrovia https://www.yogacove.com/
or Hot Yoga Claremont https://hotyogaclaremont.com/
Music for this episode was courtesy of Michael Radford. Hear more at https://soundcloud.com/mubba
Originally recorded on August 16th, 2019.
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged at [email protected]
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On Instagram @aflairforthecurious
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
#1 - Pat Cornett: Nak Muay LA and the Legend of Sakchai Nakpayak
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Pat Cornett is an Army Veteran, artist, cornerman, and host of YouTube's Nak Muay LA; a channel dedicated to Thai and Muay Thai culture with a West Coast, California vibe. Since transforming his mind, body, and spirit while reconnecting to his family and heritage through Muay Thai, Pat released a 30-minute, action-packed documentary about his legendary Grand Uncle, Sakchai Nakpayak. Sakchai was a revered and beloved up-and-coming fighter in 1950's Thailand who was murdered defending the woman he loved at the height of his career. Nearly lost to time, Pat has been on an adventure to uncover the stories and artifacts of this Thai national hero. Pat's lively documentary entertainingly tells the story of Sakchai's life and includes details of Pat's own journey to learn about his heritage. Pat is currently raising funds to return to Thailand to do more research and put Sakchai's artifacts into a museum for the preservation of Muay Thai culture.
Go checkout Nak Muay LA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQXiNz9rvQUt4HAvptrHzhw
Watch the documentary Sakchai Nakpayak - A Muay Thai Legend Almost Forgotten! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cu97smW_Os&t=252s
Check out Pat's art at http://patcornett.com/
As well as his wife Leka's art at http://artofleka.com/
Support your local artists!
If you can, please go make a contribution to Pat's GoFundMe Campaign to Help Preserve Thai and Muay Thai History.
This episode is commercial-free and if you find value in it, you are invited to make a deeply appreciated financial contribution. All links can also be found at aflairforthecurious.com.
Originally recorded on August 9th, 2019 in Monrovia, CA.
- 02:50 - Pat’s bio and how he and Anthony met back in 1991
- 14:01 - Pat’s history in his own words
- 25:52 - Gangs, group homes, and coping after release
- 47:54 - Halloween prank arrest, a broken judicial system, 9/11 and the military
- 1:05:10 - Pat talks tattoos: removal, Joanna Nguyen tattoo art, Sak Yant, Hanuman
- 1:11:39 - Getting into the army, making Dad proud, meeting Pat’s wife, making an art hobby into a career with a college degree
- 1:22:32 - Entering the industry, Husband and Wife art team, burlesque and pinup art, Leka’s ‘Rebel Rebel’ Princess Leia/Ziggy Stardust mashup and controversy (Leka's Etsy Page here), “the Harriet Tubman of Cambodia”
- 1:36:44 - Training Muay Thai before, during, and after the army, Sityodtong Los Angeles
- 1:42:29 - Thai culture, transforming an unhealthy lifestyle while reconnecting to family
- 1:56:36 - “He was my hero;” Hanuman and Thai culture in film and art inspires the big shift, Hanuman vs Ultraman(1974), Hanuman and the 5 Kamen Riders(1975), Ramayana, Thai culture and connecting to it
- 2:05:20 - Nak Muay LA YouTube channel, shifting from 275lbs., Muay Thai
- 2:12:21 - The making of the documentary Sakchai Nakpayak - A Muay Thai Legend Almost Forgotten, ongoing research, the deeply respectful and rich culture of Muay Thai and the scholars working to document and preserve it, Sylvie Von Duuglas-Ittu, “1950’s Thailand was gangster, dude”
- 2:35:00 - Leads that need to be followed, the next steps in uncovering and preserving the history of Muay Thai and Pat’s Grand Uncle, fundraising to hear the stories, put heirlooms into Thai museums, and make a full-length film, supporting local artists and Thai culture
- 3:02:40 - Outro, connections and feedback, episode 2 preview
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